Monitored Security Systems for Business

24/7/365 Professional Monitoring


Our Alarm Receiving Centre is an industry leading facility operating every minute of every day - offering complete protection for you and your business
We instantly respond when your alarm activates and notify you & nominated keyholders
We are fanatical about excellent customer service. It is our number one metric and guides everything we do
Action24 have immediate access to Gardaí, Fire and Ambulance services in the case of an emergency
Premises monitored by Action24 are registered on the Garda Pulse System
We have engineers on call 24/7/365 to provide remote and on site support to keep your business running
24/7 Alarm Monitoring companies for Businesses in Ireland

How Alarm Monitoring Works

Monitored Alarm System Room Ireland

Our Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC)

Our ARC is certified to European Standard EN50518 – the highest level standard an ARC can receive. To meet EN50518, an ARC must operate 24/7/365, including during a crisis and have comprehensive reaction time based on the risk priority for the customer. EN50518 certification covers all elements of monitoring centre operations from HR & admin all the way through to response times, even the type of doors used within our ARC! 

We are licensed by the PSA and certified by SSAIB annually across a range of standards: 

Our People

All of our valued staff members have been trained to exceptionally high standards, are Garda vetted and are individually licensed by the PSA. We are people looking after people. We identify suspicious activity, acknowledge false alarms and recognise unusual patterns of behaviour with the aid of advanced technology so threats are verified and appropriate actions are taken.

Alarm Monitoring companies in Ireland